20 Heart Attack Warning Signs You Can't Ignore

20 Heart Attack Warning Signs You Can't Ignore

Chest Pains

![chest pains sign of a heart attack](http://www.helthi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/shutterstock_325161002-e1457130713887.jpg)Chest pains that are harmless can occur occasionally. If you are experiencing chest pains with any frequency or if they seem to come in cycles then you should consult with your physician. There is a chance that chest pains are symptomatic of a cardiac event. Don’t be fooled into thinking that heart attacks only occur in the elderly. Cardiac events are increasingly common in younger people. Sometimes the pain will manifest itself with a squeezing feeling similar to what it would feel like if someone pressed down on your chest. Pains can also feel more like heartburn or stomach troubles. Frequent heartburn should be addressed to determine if it is a cardiac problem.

Anxiety And Sensitivity

![Anxiety And Sensitivity sign of a heart attack ](http://www.helthi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/shutterstock_239192569-e1457130796510.jpg)Those that have experienced heart attacks in the past sometimes say that they have increased feelings of agitation for many months in advance. There is evidence to support this because the heart can pump less blood to the brain in the months before a heart attack. Feelings of anxiousness and anxiety can have their basis in many areas of one’s life, so it is an important factor to consider. Being on edge too much is a warning sign that something is out of balance. A doctor can help you find the root of the problem and get back on track to a healthier and happier you.

Gastrointestinal Distress

![ Gastrointestinal Distress sign of a heart attack](http://www.helthi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/shutterstock_267230012-e1457130861186.jpg)More women than men report nausea as being a symptom of cardiac distress. Chronic heartburn is cause for concern because it can be chest and heart pain that you are experiencing. If you have been enduring fits of nausea that come and go fairly often, it is best to seek medical attention so tests can determine the exact cause of your distress. If not enough blood is getting to your heart, then you can feel like you are sick to your stomach. Stomach issues are one of the most looked over symptoms of cardiac problems because they are simply dismissed as being something you ate.

Sweating Excessively

![sweating sign of a heart attack](http://www.helthi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/shutterstock_351256436-e1457131048515.jpg)If you find yourself sweating when it is not particularly hot, then this is a sign that something is wrong with you. One sign of a heart attack is cold sweaty skin that might appear ashen or gray. Any major skin and sweating changes should be examined. Those suffering from a heart attack may also have difficulty forming words or understanding you.

Pain In The Arm Pit

![armpit pain sign of a heart attack](http://www.helthi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/shutterstock_259738565-e1457131111535.jpg)Pain in your arm pit can be severe to mild if you are about to have a heart attack. If you are experiencing this type of pain occasionally, it should be reported to your doctor for further diagnosis and evaluation. Pain usually comes in waves and can go away and come back days or weeks later. This pain is caused by your heart sending pain through nerves in your spinal cord. If you notice that the pain you experience seems to occur most readily after exercise or physical activity, then you need to be very careful. If the heart is having a hard time pumping blood then, you don’t get the oxygen rejuvenation that you need so you may feel out of breath somewhat a well.

Lingering Cough

![lingering cough sign of a heart attack](http://www.helthi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/shutterstock_197927630-e1457131199523.jpg)We all get allergies or viruses, but if you have a cough that seems to be occurring more often than normal or leaves you frequently out of breath, then you should go in for an evaluation by your doctor. A cough can mean that you are not getting enough oxygen. After a coughing fit, you may feel weak or tired. If you have no symptoms of a cold or allergies such as a runny nose, then there is, even more, cause for concern. Coughing is not something to be dismissed lightly. Coughing that lasts for more than few weeks points to an underlying cause besides mere dust and debris.

Dizziness Or Fainting

![dizziness or fainting sign of a heart attack](http://www.helthi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/shutterstock_308907008-e1457131262560.jpg)When a cardiac event is about to occur you lose blood flow to your brain which can make you feel dizzy or even faint. If you start having episodes where you are disoriented or dizzy, you should be very concerned. There are other illnesses that can cause these side effects such as the more common inner ear infection. If dizziness is accompanied by chest pains or shortness of breath you should get medical attention immediately. Those that are experiencing occasional dizziness should take precautions such as avoiding operating machinery or driving. Some medications can make you feel dizzy, so it is important to consider what you are taking on a daily basis.

Intense Fatigue

![intense fatigue sign of a heart attack](http://www.helthi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/shutterstock_71236504-e1457131328388.jpg)When your heart is having trouble, then your body is not going to be full of energy. Those that have experienced heart attacks report 3 out of 4 times that they experienced feelings of exhaustion right before they had a cardiac event. If you are getting plenty of sleep and eating well and are not particularly stressed, then extreme fatigue could be masking a real problem. Fatigue that lasts for more than a week is a major sign that all is not well with your body or mind. You may also experience feelings of anxiety or anxiousness during your fatigue if it is cardiac related.

Heart Racing

![heart racing sign of a heart attack](http://www.helthi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/shutterstock_316988588-e1457131393481.jpg)A rapid and erratic heartbeat is a major sign that your heart is not healthy or able to perform its job. This sign can appear weeks or months before a heart attack occurs so it is a very important indicator that you should seek medical attention and treatment. Dizziness and fainting can occur if your heart rate becomes abnormal. While these symptoms alone do not constitute a heart attack, they are severe signs that you are a likely candidate for a heart attack sooner rather than later. A home heart monitor and blood pressure unit can help you monitor your heart rate and blood pressure so you can be aware of how your heart is performing.

Lack Of Breath

![shortness of breath sign of a heart attack](http://www.helthi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Big-stock-out-of-breath-e1457131606498.jpg)Healthy breathing is steady and gives you endurance when performing daily activities. If you smoke cigarettes, your breathing may be impaired anyway. One of the best things you can do for your breathing health is totally quit smoking. If you are getting out of breath with increasing regularity, then it is important to find the cause as soon as possible. If shortness of breath is accompanied by chest pains or feeling faint or dizzy, then you need a check-up. If you have been getting out of breath, it is best to reduce your activity level until you can see a physician.

Swelling Of Extremities

![Swelling Of Extremities heart attack sign](http://www.helthi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/shutterstock_111208094-e1457131681607.jpg)When the heart is having a hard time supplying blood, it can cause fluid to build up. This fluid often finds it’s way to the feet or hands. Feet may appear very puffy at times. Water pills can help reduce fluid, but it is still a sign that your heart is failing to meet the demands of your body. The abdomen can also experience what looks like bloat or swelling. In fact, sometimes the fluid starts in the abdomen and flows to the extremities. The eyes of someone with heart problems may have puffy bags under them, and they may appear swollen.

Lack Of Strength

![lack of strength sign of a heart attack](http://www.helthi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/shutterstock_275819798-e1457131741436.jpg)Feelings of weakness or lack of strength can mean that you are not getting enough oxygen. Those that have been the victim of a cardiac episode often report a lack of strength and endurance in the time leading up to the event. Flu-like symptoms are often reported, and unfortunately many victims made the mistake of assuming they just had a virus they would recover from on their own. Tingling or loss of feeling in the limbs is a significant warning sign if it occurs during periods of weakness. If you are concerned about your lack of strength make sure you consider sleeping and lifestyle habits into the equation. Being run down can make one have flu-like symptoms as well.

Neck And Jaw Pain

![Abnormal Neck and Jaw Pain may be a heart attack](http://www.helthi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/shutterstock_324033263-e1457131818768.jpg)A heart attack is sometimes caused by clots blocking blood flow. If you have a clot, this can manifest itself into jaw and neck pain that can seem throbbing or shooting at times. If this is severe, then get to a doctor. These symptoms are particularly concerning if you are a woman since they are reported more by female heart attack sufferers than their male counterparts. Jaw and neck pain can sometimes be the result of a pinched nerve, but it is better to be safe when it comes to a heart attack. If the pain goes away and comes back in cycles, then you need to be cautious.

Feeling Numb Or Tingly

![Feeling Numb Or Tingly may be onset of a heart attack](http://www.helthi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/shutterstock_264648638-e1457131880671.jpg)Numbness in the limbs or extremities is a definite cause for concern. Tingling in the arms and chest is a common sign of a heart attack. Tingling feelings are caused by lack of blood flow. These symptoms are usually accompanied by other signs of a heart attack. Medications can sometimes cause feelings of numbness and tingling that can be mistaken for heart attack symptoms. The symptoms of a heart attack often occur in groups but can appear individually. You need to pay attention to your body rather than ignoring symptoms.

Greyish Or Sweaty Skin

![Greyish and Perspiring Cold To The Touch Skin may be warning sign of a heart attack](http://www.helthi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/shutterstock_83154130-e1457131999638.jpg)If you are sweating heavily and it is not due to the ambient temperature, then you should pay attention to your body. A greyish tint to the skin is a serious sign of a heart attack. Sweaty skin all over your body and waves of flushness are also signs that you may be in trouble. Clammy skin and perspiration are also common symptoms of the flu, so it is easy to assume that you have just caught a virus. Feelings of weakness or faintness combined with clammy skin mean you should see a doctor immediately.


![depression may be a sign of a heart attack](http://www.helthi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/shutterstock_156241253-e1457132412735.jpg)Some heart attack victims report having extreme feelings of depression or the blues right before the even happened. Stress and anxiety can contribute to heart attacks and cardiac issues. If you are chronically depressed, then you should get help to work through issues. A counselor or even just a trusted friend can be an important part of a healthy support network during difficult times. Depression is very serious and can be partially genetic. If anyone in your immediate family is prone to depression, then you are more likely to suffer as well. Relaxation techniques and taking some time to take really care of your mental well-being is important to your physical health.

High Blood Pressure

![A Prior Diagnosis of High Blood Pressure prevents a heart attack](http://www.helthi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/shutterstock_131122490-e1457132489698.jpg)Elevated blood pressure increases your chances of having a stroke or heart attack. Millions of people both young and old suffer from high blood pressure. Reducing salty foods and getting more exercise where you get your heart rate up can reduce your chances. Medications are one of the most common ways to treat hypertension. If you have never been diagnosed with high blood pressure, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have it. Signs of elevated blood pressure can include ringing in the ears, vision changes, shortness of breath, and heightened temper. If you seem to be short on patience and easily irritated, then blood pressure may be a factor. Taking your blood pressure weekly at home can help you better assess if you have a real problem.


![confusion may be a sign of a heart attack](http://www.helthi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/shutterstock_316143137-e1457132549923.jpg)If you have a heart attack, you may not react to others well or be able to answer them. A stroke or heart attack victim can sometimes understand what is being said to them but not be able to respond, or it may be the opposite. Lack of oxygen in the blood can cause a myriad of effects that might make it hard for some to realize exactly what is happening to you particularly if you are in a crowd of strangers. This is one reason it is good always to have a medical ID card on you so that others will know if you are allergic to any medicines or have had surgeries or medical devices implanted that can affect how you are treated.

A Family Affair

![heart disease can be genetic](http://www.helthi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/shutterstock_180195974-e1457132602481.jpg)Unfortunately, cardiac problems can be genetic. If anyone in your family has been unfortunate enough to have a stroke or heart attack, then you should take note. Obesity can also play a role in your chances of a heart attack. Those with heightened risk factors and family history should take extra care to ensure that they are doing whatever they can to reduce the risk. Supplements such as aspirin may be advisable. You can ask your doctor for specific ways that you can reduce your risk. A good diet and plenty of exercise should be the building blocks for your healthy routine.

Prior Illnesses

![Prior Illnesses Increase Risk of a heart attack](http://www.helthi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/shutterstock_111003461-e1457132680406.jpg)Childhood illnesses or birth defects can make it more likely that you will have a heart attack. Severe fevers, strep throat, and other conditions can sometimes lead to a weakened heart. Birth defects are sometimes not noticed until they cause a significant problem. A physical at your doctor with a comprehensive cardiac exam can help you rule out damage from prior health issues. Scar tissue on organs can cause more problems as you age so if any prior damage is discovered it is critical to get checked regularly and take any other symptoms seriously. There is a lot that medical professionals can do if you seek treatment promptly.