There's A Third Type Of Diabetes And Millions Don't Know They Have It

There's A Third Type Of Diabetes And Millions Don't Know They Have It

Being diagnosed with type l or type II diabetes by your doctor is enough of a shocker. Now some patients are finding out that not only do they have one type of diabetes, but two types of diabetes simultaneously. Type 3 diabetes, also known as double or hybrid diabetes is a new form of diabetes. Do you have type 3 diabetes without even knowing it? Read on to find out more about type 3 diabetes.

![](**What’s the Difference Between Type I, Type II and Type 3?**

Type I diabetes, also known as insulin-dependent diabetes, affects about 5% of all diabetics. This type of diabetes occurs when your body’s immune system attacks the insulin producing cells of the pancreas. When your body can’t turn glucose (blood sugar) into energy, either because it doesn’t use it correctly or because it doesn’t produce enough insulin, diabetes will occur. Unlike type 1 diabetes, people with type 2 diabetes produce insulin, but the insulin that their pancreas produces is not enough or their body is unable to recognize and use the insulin properly. Type 3 diabetes occurs due to a pancreatic inflammation, an abnormal growth of tissue on the pancreas or when all or part of the pancreatic tissue has been surgically removed-all of which affect the body’s ability to produce insulin.

Type 3 Diabetes and Weight

Researchers think that one way to prevent the phenomenon of double-diabetes is by controlling obesity. One theory that is currently being tested is that obesity may be a trigger for double diabetes. This may either be due to the fact that obesity overworks the pancreas or it destroys the autoimmune system. So, for those who are predisposed to type I diabetes, they may be able to avoid a double whammy of diabetes by maintaining a healthy body weight.

Type 3 Diabetes and Healthy Eating

The goal of a diabetic is to follow a well-balanced diet, maintain control over serving sizes and ensure your body is making enough insulin to handle the foods you eat. The key to possibly avoiding type 3 diabetes is knowing how different foods will affect your blood sugar and knowing how to coordinate the type and amount of insulin you take before eating. Your family meal plan should be well-balance and include the basic elements of heart healthy diet. It is essential that you get more good fats and less saturated and animal fat. Carbohydrates found in grains, starchy vegetables, fruits and dairy products have the best influence on blood sugar levels.

According to reports, physicians are seeing rising numbers of patients with double diabetes, in which someone has the symptoms of both type 1 and type II diabetes. A study also claims that some people who previously had a pancreatic disease may have been misdiagnosed with type 2 diabetes, which can lead to the wrong treatment plan. Those who are suffering with Type 3 diabetes also seem to require insulin therapy more urgently than those who have type II diabetes.